Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is zac efron and vanessa hudgens gettign married to each other?

i heard that they are getting married and some people say its a rumor and other's say its true if they are ia m happy for them first i was like zac is too good for vanessa then i thought that they love each other and we can't do anything abt it.myy zac

Why do all the illegal immigrant supporters buy into the......?

BS the politicians are shelling out that they're doing work Americans would never do??? What about the fact that legal companys are going out of business because the slave labor wage that these illegals are getting under bid a fare wage that American's WOULD do the job for??? Don't they get that it is the major corporation lobbyists that are controlling the congress over this issue and that is why they are spinning it to a favorable disguise, when all along they are just selling America to the highest bidder. I'm not against immigration, I'm against ILLEGAL immigration. I'm for people getting paid an appropriate wage for the work that is done.

I need specific steps to become a Plastic Surgeon!?

Don't you think it would be better to ask someone from your school, like a school counselor or such, this question, than all us "local yokels" at YAnswers? God Bless you.

Does Roy Halladay's perfect game just reinforce how much better pitchers from the American League are?

you obviously know nothing about baseball. Perfect games are not "easy" by any means. none are easier than any others. it takes skill and luck as far as defense goes. no, this proves nothing about how much better pitchers are in the american league. in fact, the national league have the best. Lince, Jimenez, Halladay, oswalt.

Has anyone else noticed how scriptures...?

being used to reinforce a point or talk about fogiveness of sin from the bible kind of sound like a bad internet ad?

Would a rib cage tattoo look too cluttered if I already have a lower back tattoo?

I have a lower back tattoo that extends just about completely across my lower back (a "tramp stamp" as everyone calls it). I really want to get a tattoo on my rib cage, but Im afraid it will look too cluttered on my body. The one on my rib cage wouldnt be too big Im not sure what I want yet though. What are your thoughts? Also do you have any ideas for what I could get on my rib cage?

How do i get the URL bar to reappear on my Mac?

i randomly clicked something on my mac and the place where you type your URL went away... along with the back, forward, refresh ons, etc. what do i do to make it reappear??? THANK YOU!!!

Does anyone know where I can find a particular Buddy D print?

Esplanade and Clearview malls both have a store the carries a lot of New Orleans pictures, try them first to see if they can help. I also did a google search and I found an artist by the name of Tuna Seither, it could be a good possibility that he is the artist of that print you are looking for.

Is this how the world would Aline for WW3?

Turkey is part of Nato, you forgot Cuba, and all the South American countries and Mexico who would be with Russia!

A powerboat is operating at night. Which of these lights must be shown?

None of these answers is correct. Your question states that the boat is operating, which implies in motion. A Power boat at night while in motion must display a white light to the stern which is visible at least 135 degrees, as well as a red light visible on the port side 112.5 degrees and a green light visible on the stbd side 112.5 degrees.


The information you're asking for can't be provided in an "answer". This type of work has to be laid out on a spreadsheet. Send me an e-mail if you'd like:)

Anyone know of a good concealer?

a really good one that covers up my dark circles is buildable cover by sephora, maybe $12? use a concealer brush to apply but blend out with your ring finger. reapply if you need it.

What is the appropriate length of time to wait after love making to fart?

My wife getted mad at me for farting after I came. I did already roll over and was ready to sleep when one let out. She getted mad and so did not make my sammige for me. What is the appropriate time to wait next time?

Zac efron's moles disappearing?

It takes about a split second to get a mole removed, maybe he didn't like them. They also don't leave scars, unless it's a big one I guess, but I've had some removed and I don't have any scars from them at all. Sometimes moles need to be removed, some may actually be cancerous.

Left cooked chicken out over night. Still good?

I had chicken cooking in a tomato sauce in a crock pot all day. I unplugged the hot pot around10:00PM meaning to put it in the fridge when it cooled down but I fell asleep. Is it still good now at 7:30AM? Can I put it in the fridge for dinner tonight?

Kimbo slice versus GSP (Big versus small). Who would win?

GSP weighs 170 versus Kimbo at 240. This would be a freak show match up like a Pride fight. Who would win? Would GSP's skills overtake a 70 pound weight advantage that Kimbo has?

Can someone update me on whats happening on Girlfriends?

I havent seen it in an while and also tell me what channel shows the current episodes not the reruns, I am guessing the new CW

Please I need fast help on a physics question?

OF course you don’t know the answer you idiot you don’t even know that this isn’t a Physics question it’s in Chemistry!


i need to know wats the name of the movie when some guy goes to the space army and fights big incects or weird creatures part of the tittle says troopers

Urgent help! I don't even know where to begin!?

I need help for this question. There are no examples in the book and I have no clue how to even start answering this question. Please help! I am so confused.

Will i ever forget twilight ?

Iv been reading twilight and i cont stop thinking about it and looking on websites and reading it so i was wondering if anyone has been through this and how i can forget twilight ?? HELP PLEASE !!

Im stuck on a game Need Help?

Im playing Dark cloud 2 On my playstation 2, .. & no matter what walk-through I pull up online.. I cannot find what im looking for... Im trying to find the "indestructible" coin to recruit Donny. Im going back & forth in my dungeons for hours on end looking.. can anyone tell where to find it, On what level & where between sindain & palm brinks? thanks

Jochan iz evil ist?

jochan me 2005 new orlean hurrican he terrible evil plz hlp me justice him i hav been emotional bad sense!! :(

Causes of Latin American Independence Wars?

For Argentina, Bolivia Gran Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile. I need the causes, issues/motivation role of poltical groups, role of church outcomes short term and long term

Aren't you glad the the Hate Crimes Bill was signed into law?

Being a gay american I am glad that this ped. Actually this benefits all americans because this bill covers EVERYONE. everyone has a race, gender, and ual orientation. I'm glad at least some good came from the horrific murder of Matthew Shepherd. Now religious bigots will find it harder to discriminate against me for being born differently.

Is it okay for guys to like this song?Or is it gay?

Anyone can listen to that song and I love it too. People that call you gay for liking that song are just ignorant. There's no such as thing as being gay for liking a certain song

Superbowl XLV question...?

Collins' interception return. Suisham's shanked field goal. The ridiculous dropped pes by the Packer receivers. There were a few memorable moments this year. No circus catch off the side of a helmet or last second game winning field goal. But not every game has that kind of a moment.

Are the Harvey seatbelt bags still in style?

I use purses for school cuz we dont carry books and i was wondering if those seatbelt bags are still in style..its a cute little red in high school

Ok. this is a question for 1 of my buds.?

There's this guy my bud likes. (their names are confidential) well, my bud say's that her crush (we'll call him J.) is starting to look at her and ask about her more than he usually would after he found out she likes him. Now J is telling everybody that he likes a girl in his homeroom that they're in with the girl's name beginning with the letter M. The only girl's with thier names beginning with the letter M are Miranda and my bud But Miranda's ugly and she's got a bf. IDK what this all means and i would love it if you answered my question. Thank you! ^-^

How much should a taxi from Bangkok airport to Pattaya beach cost?

Recommend to take shuttle bus rather than taxi. However, if you still wanna take taxi, you could negotiate with driver... I think at least should be 1000 Baht. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a try this website for Pattaya information... G'luck a href="" rel="nofollow"

Hadaback molar extraction abut a month ago?

its healing nicely, but on sunday i felt the extraction site had a sharp little edge to it..tonight i messed with it with my tongue, and up from my gum came a piece of hasnt hurt me, and its more like an enamel chip, but is this normal..the tooth site is fine and i washed it with salt water. thanks

How can i be there for my friend while her mother is dying?

my friend, melanie (mel for short), was raised by her widowed mother, alex. i am very close to her family. her father had ped away before she was born. mel is quite a tomboy, but she is also a mummy`s girl. she is very close to her mother. the only other relative they have is mel`s elderly great-grandmother, who lives in a nursing home. she may be ancient, but she had remained young at heart and tells the most wonderful stories. mel had been a happy girl until she found out that her mum has cancer. alex had to have an operation followed by chemotherapy. there is now no chance of her making a recovery. she is going to die and leave mel all alone in the world. i know mel is a brave, strong girl who will be able to cope. she is smart, capable and independent, but i am still scared for her. since i am friends with her i want to be there for her at this difficult time. what can i do to help her?

I wnat to know the fat content and calories detail of Fruits?

Calories is usually pretty low, goto if you want to keep track. As far as fat, there isn't any in fruits and vegetables. Hope this helps, stay healthy.

Dui with no breath or blood test?

I was arrested for dui in my apartment complex parking lot. I did not take the breath test and was not charged for refusal cause I was on private property. I was asleep when the officer arrived, my key I believe was in the ignition my chair was layed back i was in my pj's. sleeping. i did some of the field test but then said i did not want to finish because i was very sleepy i had just woke up. What are the chances i gan get this dimissed.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gina Tricot in England?

hi,if you put this question in the-beauty&style section(fashion&accessories). you will get more response.

What are clever ways to fool pickpockets?

Get a wallet holder that goes around your ankle and keep your real wallet their, than put an empty wallet in your back pocket, so who ever pick pockets you will get really pissed off because they went through all that trouble to steal something that has nothing in it.

What is a good new song for a slide show?

What's a good new song for the bloopers part of a slide show? I need a song without cuss words because it's for our band banquet.

What are some good reasons to conserve energy?

Why conserve energy? Whether it's by reducing lighting, or whatever. I need some statistics comparing regular energy emissions to conserved energy emissions.

Who got Aids?

I read 1 in 5 teen black girls have HIV, well if thats tru Me and all of my friends must have it, But I don't know anybody who has it! whats up wit that?

What should I about this situation I have at work?

I've been with this law firm for almost a year now. August 13th will be my anniversary of 1 year. I am a file clerk out of atleast 15. We each have our own department that we share with one more person. The person I worked with was a temp for 2 years until she was finally hired about 5 months after I was hired. She is nice, but she also has a side that i don't think she even knows about. She kind of orders me around in a nice way, but never asking just telling. I get her food and sometimes I do offer. I get her office supplies even if i'm not going down there. If I had a ton of filing it's like she over looks it and say that I have to help her with something pointless. The thing is she has been here longer, but she isn't in charge. Our boss made that very clear that we are on the same level. She completely disregards that and she breaks most of the rules. She has gotten better, but she is still doing some bad stuff. Now, I do go on the computer from time to time and if i have to call my doctor I use my phone. That's not the problem. Right now it's her being a neat freak and trying to involve me. She comes up with these stupid pointless jobs and expects me to just drop my work and help her. And I have been way to busy to help. She also volunteers me to help others while i'm busy. She has me call in things for her. "Jess, call in and get boxes." "Jess, look this up." "jess, go down stairs and get folders." LIke, wtf you are doing nothing! You can do it! It's all because I don't know how to say no. And now it's causing stress and i get this horrible pain in my chest and i can't breath and i want to cry because she is taking advantage of me and i don't know how to stand up for my self because i don't want her to hate me or there to be any problems in my office because I like this job. I'm not sure what to do, but one day i think i might explode on her or my self and end up getting fired. Sometimes I go in another room that is vacant to file just to get away from her. I don't know what to do!

Moving to venezuela from usa?

Hey whats up my name is Rafi and am planning in getting married with my girlfriend in 6 months...and we planning on moving over there and start our life over there.....Where is the best place in venezuela to buy a house? Around how Much a house in venezuela cost? What are the chances for a legally usa resident and a citizen in venezuela to get a good job? what are some websites where i can start looking houses at?

Sorry fr putting the question int he wrong catogy but people pleas answer i REALLY nedd help!!!!?

"Leonardo da Vinci, despite his amazing gifts and talents, was a man who lived a seemingly contradictory lifestyle, making many advances in science, engineering, and art, but failing to bring his endeavors to their seemingly logical conclusion."

Houston Texans Football?

what are the good people you need to know on that team? like hb qb lb and just good ppl in that team?

Nixon - Watergate & SALT Treaty. Clinton - Waco & 911 Pilots Learn to Fly IN THE US?

Nixon because both of his problems were a direct result of his actions, Clinton on the other hand does not direct the DEA on a day to day bases and he doesn't constantly monitor who is in flight school.

Tracy Morgan drunk on the Late Show right now?

Is anyone watching the Late Show with David Letterman right now? Is Tracy Morgan drunk or on some drugs? Or is this just normal for him? Lol what is going on? :)

Its the weekend woo hoo but i have this stuck on my mind, help lol!!?

my period in may came on may 26th.....soooo if my period stayed coming every 32 days like it pretty much had been then this month i would have been fertile around we had that day......but my period came on july 2nd so a few days later then i had expected so we also had on july you think we have a change at pregnancy this month?

Why don't my friends seem to like me anymore?

I'm goin through the same thing.Just ignore them if they don't act or try to be your friend then they aren't.KEEP IT STRONG.

Who would win this Fantasy trade?

I'd do it. it is pretty good for you since you already have MJD and Andre Johnson. I understand what people are saying about Ryan Grant and Deangelo Williams, but those are pretty big "ifs" and AP is almost a gaurentee (barring injury).

What is the name of this Gory Horror New York Subway Movie that was on last night?

I think that might have been "The Midnight Meat Train". The guy in it was Bradley Cooper, from "The Hangover" and "Wedding Crashers". Not sure if that's the movie you're talking about, but it sounds like it definitely could be.

10 points really need some advice thanks!?

please stoppp take a breather..... look at the situation he is totally pushing you around. he is being really mean dont be a masochist to his way of treating you. let him be! he doesnt care of the way that you feel and be glad that you guys are not going to end up being together. itss so sad to be an army gf or wife they are never around for you or the family if you guys ever had kids. i know iam going far but look at your future with a person like this. he clearly didnt have the same feelings as you. so dont look like a push over. he has been mean once too many times. have self pride and stand by it.(i mean that in a good way) i know it may be hard but you must because he will just tell you worst and worst things that you never though possible and if you stick through that it will just get even worst. f him in other words. :) your closure is what he is giving you remember him as the ****** that he is being and remember that so you never ever give him the time of day again

The Chronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian?

How come at the end of the movie, Aslan tells Peter and Susan they cannot come back to Narnia, but Lucy and Edmond can? Why is that?

Banquet Facilities and Wedding Venus...?

I'm looking for a wedding place and would like to get some feedback from personal experience on a good place in/around Sacramento, CA area. This place must allow me to bring my own catering and if possible have a site for ceremony. Please no golf courses and hotels. Thanks.

What song is this???????

I don't know any of the lyrics, but the song was about this guy who was a jerk and a liar, and the girl is basically slandering and dissing him. On the radio they bleeped out his name. Also, the singer is a girl and kind of sounds like Taylor Swift. It might have mentioned revenge (I'm not sure) and at one point it might have mentioned a gift. Any help?

Is it true that the Lebanese President must be Christian?

The Christian and Muslim population of Lebanon is equal (50/50) but because Lebanese people have considered as Arab descent so many people think Lebanon is a Muslim country but it is not right exactly!

Are Tea Party commentators like Beck, Hannity, Rush, and the politicians they endorse Cheney, Gingrich, Palin?

good points you make. The gop loves war because it is highly profitable for those involved in any war. (defense contractors like halliburton and blackwater). And yes, i remember boy george establishing "free speech zones" for iraq war protesters (who were castigated as unpatriotic appeasers). Face it: the gop and tea baggers are opportunistic s bags who love their party and money more than they love their country, and history has not been kind to boy george and his fellow war criminals. (ever wonder why bush/cheney/rumsfeld never leave the US? they're afraid of arrest for war crimes, and deservedly so).

I'm trying to remember the brand name of the coffee I had when I was in Colombia 3 years ago?

I have been searching the internet and cannot find it. I think it started with an L... like Cafe 'L-word'... its irritating me that i cannot remember what it was. It is not available in the U.S. which might be why im having such a hard time finding out what it was called. It came in a white bag, of course I cant even remember the logo. If anybody thinks they know what brand of coffee I'm talking about please let me know

What do you do when your dad gets a girl pregnant while he is still married to your mom?

honestly there is really nothing you can do.. its up to your father and mother to figure out how this is going to be handled. as far as the slander goes all she is is a bitter mistress of a man who will not leave his wife for some unknown reason. and for all the people who believe it are no better then she is and shouldn't mean anything. in situations like this unfortunately there is always going to be rumors and resentment along with drama its inescapable you do not have to embrace this woman if you dont want to thats your choice and your choice alone. infact its your choice if you chose not to have a relationship with your new sibling. one of the problems that you face is there is only one side of the story being told at one time. which gives way for the gossip that takes place i would know because when me and my husband were going through our divorce he spoke about me to his friends and his new girlfriend and somehow i was the bad person out of the whole situation and everything was my fault but yet no one bothered to ask me why i wanted a divorce from him in the first place... regardless the best thing for you to do is to stand up for your morals and beliefs naturally in a non violent way... support your mother in her time of need and things will work themselves out at some point. i always say things happen for a reason even if you dont know what it is yet... and karma will come back and bit you... and it will hurt... good luck

I can't paint my walls but I desperately want them to be animal print! What can I do?

Perhaps invent some stencils you could use with lamps that you already have; play the stencil shadows onto the white walls (perfect for this). You could also make use of colour too by using coloured celophane. Practice your effects with a torch in the evenings until you hit on what you are looking for. Also why not check out some of those children's toy, Geographic type or Save the Animals type of shops to see if they have any stick on or glow in the dark type decals. I would say try eBay and see what is available out there.

Why don't evangelicals understand that the U.S. was founded upon secular principles?

No clue.Maybe they think it was founded on a religious basis because all of the founding fathers were,supposedly,christians.They might translate to these thoughts that church and state aren't separate.I hope things change.

Should the Congress hand Puerto Rico back to Spain.?

Seemingly we do not know at what direction is this heading, Some refuse independence, others decline statehood. Should Congress or whomever has the power to do so, hand the Spanish what was once a possession of the monarchy? Would not it be easier rather that scratching and turning our heads the other way?

Will it be impossible for me to get a car loan?

I'm about to become a college freshman this fall. I'm leaving my hometown and I'm in need of transportation. I don't have a job at the moment, but am in desperate need of a car... I don't have any student loans or anything since all my education is paid with scholarships and financial aid this year. I was wondering if getting a car loan would be possible, my co-signer would be someone with a pretty great credit score, but since I have no steady source of income besides my parents would getting this loan be nearly impossible?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Crocheting a scarf. Simple holed patterns? ?

Hello. I would like to crochet a scarf with some bulky yarn, and a thick needle. I want a very nice pattern with big holes, but is very simple to make, because sometimes I do not understand what it's saying. Please give links to some patterns. Thank you very much.

Do they make light pink and black womens The North Faces fleece jackets?

I've seen them before, but i can't find them online or anywhere! I like the womens khumbu fleece jacket, is there anything similar to what i'm looking for? or any colors like it?

Concerned about ball python?

I recently about a month ago perhaps recived a ball python from my dads friend he felt bad for me because my baby corn snake died(r.i.p) and its been fine it ate a mouse but during its second feeding it refused the mouse so I checked and her eyes were getting hazed and blueish-grey. So of course her appetite was dropping thats pretty normal I guess but here is my major concern Her scales on the side are starting to stick out instead of just being nice and smooth all around I hope this is due to shedding but when my baby corn snake died it had the same thing all over its body someone please help!

Who's watching LockDown! tomorrow?

I'm definitely going to watch Lockdown the build up for the pay per view has been great hopefully they'll deliver.

Teens:Is my friend too old to believe in Santa Claus?

Yes, it's a little strange but she will be finding out eventually. Just let her enjoy the naivety while it's still there.

What is the difference between these two computer processors?

As a practice I tend to always shoot for AMD, you generally have to review the benchmarks to get a good idea of which is better as a whole. Usually AMD outdoes intel by a bit, but I havn't reviewed them recently.

What is the historical party affiliation of the KKK?

Interestingly enough, it's the same party that other racists, such as the Honorable Reverend Jesse Jackson, have belonged to. It's the Democratic Party.

Friend keeps undermining my cancer? Its a serious issue and i don't understand why.?

First of all, I'm truly sorry that you've had to endure so much. A close friend of mine has cancer and I know how difficult it can be. I'm also sorry you have to deal with this person. I've got to be honest, I CANNOT stand people like that! Ugh! I think I'd just stop sharing anything with her (as you said). I wouldn't bother being friendly, either. Civil, yes, but I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to talk to her. Eventually she'll get the point.

Why isn't it illegal for a public school teacher to randomly check a student's calculator for cheating?

Teachers know that students can program things into certain types of calculators. Also, look up the term "in loco parentis." While you're at school your teachers and principals act as your guardian and while they don't have all the same rights as your parents, they have a lot of the same rights such as random searches.

Do you think I have a problem?

I'm 13, and have been a bed-wetter for 2 years. I've been using GoodNites to keep the sheets dry. I still can't stop it. I wake up every hour to pee. Sometimes I do, sometime I don't but I try too. I drink water before I go to bed then pee so that I can get all the water out. It's hereditary, (through my aunt) She had it for 4 months? Will I continue forever. I'm also scared I might get a urinary trac infection, because I can't pee at school. Is it because I'm scared too, or I just can't pee?

POLL: Who would win in an all-out war between...?

Turkey would never be on side two because of our strong friendship with South Korea and because we won't go against America, who is our ally. Turkey is in NATO. Nobody on side two is even friends or allies with Turkey. I think you should use your brain or a book (since your brain obviously didn't work this time) to make up a more realistic scenario.

Does he care or is he going overboard? Keeps annoying me by telling me to eat.?

I really sort of like this guy...I guess though were only in the beginning of a serious relationship. He's into health foods and being active...and he's constantly on me about eating. I eat fruits and veggies abut it never seems to be enough for him. I know he cares and worries a little, probably because I did have a little history of an eating disorder. In a way it shows he cares, but in all honesty its also feeling suffocating. I dont know what to do?

Old school kids tv shows?

Captain Caveman, Dogtanian, Dungeons and Dragons, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Raggy Dolls, Denver the Last Dinosaur, He-man, She-Ra, Bertha, Pigeon St, Galaxy High School, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Grange Hill, Goof Troop, Gummi Bears, Family Ness, le Bay, Henry's Cat, King Rollo, Supergran, Also do you remember that programme about the boy who turned into a dog.

Do meteorologists understand climate is about physics?

Here is something to ponder . There are nearly 5 billion people on the planet today all exhaling the dreaded CO2 every second of every day . If we declare CO2 to be a pollutant , do we start executing people as polluters ? This is not so fanciful , there are people within the sainted environmental movement that would indeed advocate this . There are people that would seize the environmental issue to justify a new round of ethnic cleansing . Please don't legislate mankind back to the 18th century , please don't play into the hands of racial extremists that would advocate m exterminations of this or that ethnic group according to who captures power at what time . Hitler and Stalin and Amin were enough genocide for one century .

Can you list the following american foods in order of you favourite?

Of your selection I like best the flavor of Dentyne and Jr. Mints. What I would prefer more than those would be to again have some Aussie steaks, preferably cooked over the embers of a campfire.

Why are the oakland raiders so popular?

It must be because of the uniforms because of al davis the raiders havent won since john madden left.Btw the gruden era was the raiders buying players succesfully for once they got blown out in the superbowl when davis felt threatened by gruden and fired him then he went to the bucs and gruden outcoached bill callehan(an al davis apologist who was only hired because he kissed the #ss of al davis).The raiders are a joke of a franchise.If it wasnt for the lions and the cardinals and the browns they would be the worst franchise by far in the nfl.They have done nothing but live of their past in the whole al davis era.

My leg was slammed in front door of my house have no feeling in the backside now?

i was chaseing my daughter out the front door and i fell out the door as i fell my leg pulled the door tighter on my leg and on the back side i have no feeling in it now

Where can i find records of birth certificates from derby shire uk around 1889?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it possible for "hackers"& bad guys 2come on here, email me & then get connected & mess my puter up etc ?

I am like so many others, scared of hackers or whatever they are called now. I do keep updated security as far as I know. What do you consider the most/best updated all over security.? I've lost 2 hard drives to viruses to the tune of mucho money. ANcient puter user :) but friendly :)

Who to start at WR spot?

ok well i ume ur talking about who to start for next week... always start fitzgerald u know that though.. then pick up and start manningham he is a great sleeper pick, and then start edwards - hes bound to break out sooner or later since he is the only good target on the browns

Fantasy football 3 player trade?

i guess that depends on who else you got on your team, but just based on your trade offer... i would say hail no. mjd is a top 3 pick, brandon marshall is a beast and at the very least equal to jennings and jacobs for forte is not bad. id probably trade forte for jacobs cuz jacobs isnt even the starter. Bradshaw is the starter. so i say noooooo and if he wants to trade jacobs for forte straight up... thas a deal i would make but i doubt your friend would do that. trust me on this one.

Was I descriminated for being white?

First of all it's "discriminated" and second, it's not because you're white, it's because you are LEGAL and AMERICAN. Call your local ICE agency and report them as possibly hiring illegals. After all, BO says that we should start sticking it to companies that hire illegals. This is the one thing he's said that I agree with him on. I can't stress to you enough how you need to call La Migra! on their sorry es and get this sweat shop, illegal-hiring business shut down. Good luck, and please look over your resume for spelling and grammar errors. That will definitely hinder you from getting hired with a legitimate company. I'm not being mean or anything, but you REALLY need to check that.

How to stop feeling so needy and attached to everyone/thing?

i always feel like i need a big hug and a good session of just snuggling up with a couple girls and watch a movie. This has forced me to become withdrawn and also unable to talk to people,awkward around girls, etc and i didnt used to be

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is there any way I can pay for college when I don't qualify for financial aid?

Well if it comes down to it colleges usually have a payemtns plan option...and keep applying for scholarships. There are an unlimited amount offered to you. I am not sure if you already do or have the time, but maybe a part time job might help you. Thats all I can really think of. Good luck!!

Anyone had these symptoms & found out that they were pregnant?

Have you tested yet ? what is your current cycle length? I would think its safe to test now and if af doesn't show then wait a week and test again. Good Luck and God Bless !!

Which deceased celebrities would you like to dine with?

My first choice would have to be John Lennon because his music has helped me through alot of rough times and it would just be such an amazing pleasure to meet me. Second, i'd choose Marilyn Monroe, she was so beautiful and one of the greatest icons in history, i'd love just to see how it feels to be in her presence.

Computer still beeps on startup even after replacing almost every component?

A friend of mine gave me a computer that wouldn't boot, first i got the message system32\drivers\ntfs.sys missing or corrupt. I was able to replace it from an xp disk then i ran chkdsk /f to fix any errors on startup. I would see the emachines logo then once it went away, 2 short beeps, 3 long beeps, followed by a long pause and 1 more beep. I unhooked all drives, removed all pci cards and 1 memory stick. So i just had the motherboard, processor, and 1 ram stick connected to the power supply and I still got the same beeps. I replaced the motherboard, processor and ram with components from another working system. Still beeped on startup, I then replaced the power supply and still get the same number of beeps. The funny thing is the computer will boot to the desktop and works fine (after copying ntfs.sys from the disk) but I still get the beeps even after replacing the mobo, ram, processor, and power supply. I've tried it with the hard drive unhooked, i've disabled shadowing, caching, and cleared the cmos on both boards. I'm pretty sure I've covered every angle but obviously something is still wrong. As I said the computer will boot to the desktop now but i get the beep code at startup (beep beep, beep-beep-beep.......beep. The computer uses AMIBios but I can't get any help from them.

The cheese champions of the heavyweight division?

floyd patterson ingemar johansenn jimmy ellis jack sharkey primo canera vitali klitsko plus the rest of the russians and of course lennox lewis and theres more you name them

Whats the deal with trademarks?

is an unregistered trademark (TM) okay to throw on anything you want to trademark (that is yours to trademark of course), or do you have to go through the gov't? i know you can technically copywrite anything you create, so does the same go for treademarks? isnt a registered trademark (encircled R) a trademark (tm) that is... well... registered?

Christians, how do you feel about the Christian coalition fighting the CA gay marriage ruling?

Marriage started by religious people thousands of years ago. Legislature saw a profit in it and decided to regulate it and charge people. It is NOT a civil definition. Marriage was defined from the beginning between a man and a woman. Now gay people want the tax relief and other benefits that married people get. Call it a civil union then. But don't tell churches they are mandated to have gays marry in the church. That's is what the Christians don't want being mandated to do what the law says. Funny how separation of Church and State is good one way but not the other.

Help? My tooth is agony!?

Hello, the teeth and filling might very well be fine, but the bite might very well be off! Even 1 mm off will cause atrocious pain. Go back to her and ask her to check them with the articulating paper :)

Fantasy football help?? Flex Position.?

I need help deciding if i should play Terrel Owens, Mario Manningham, Louis Murphy, or i could play Benjarvus Green-Ellis... Any help would be appreciated

I think he likes me and I want to tell him that I like him?

There's a guy at school that I really like. I think he likes me too, but I'm not sure. I had my friends ask him out for me and he said that we were sort of friends but not like that. Im surprised he even said that because we weren't really friends at the time. He was blushing like crazy and he was all alone, so my friends say. Before he would always do stupid stuff in cl and not care, but now he will do something completely stupid and get really embarred when he sees that I was watching him. He always talks to me 1st and acts really interested in what I have to say. I sit next to him in band and he will just ramble or act stupid just to get my attention sometimes. My school was having a golf tournament and he acted like he wanted to be on a team with me. Whenever I have to leave band early or if I'm late he'll ask where I was. He's started showing up where I am every once in a while. I was at a banquet for mine and his brothers with my friend and whenever he ped me he would say "sup" He started being super nice to me and my friends. Before he hardly talked to us at all. He'll come up to me in the hallway or at my locker just to try and talk to me about random things. When I was walking out from a band concert, I ped his car and he leaned out the window and tried to get my attention and tell me bye. among other things. He never acted like that b4. I was going to tell him on the last day of school that I lied him, but I didn't see him. I see him every once in a while at the high school cause his sis and my bro are there for marching band in the summer, but I haven't seen him yet. I know he doesn't have a myspace or facebook, but im friends with his bff on facebook. I asked his friend if he had a facebook just to see what he would say, but he never gets on. I really want to tell him I like him but I don't know how!!!!! Does he even like me????

What the president's took part in during the iraq war....?

Which Iraq War, theres two. The first one involved Saddam and GBush SR. The current one involved, Saddam and GBush Jr, and now Obama and the current Iraqi Administration.

Can I vacuum clean the inside of my computer to remove a ridiculous build up of dust?

My computer tower has been on carpeted floor for several months and when I moved it the other day I noticed the inside was clogged up with dust, particularly the cooling fins on the fan. Can I just hoover that sh!t up?

Losing weight by eating fruits for dinner?

I've been trying to lose weight since forever. But nothing ever works. I'm swimming around 3-4 times a week for around an hour per day. I just want to lose around 5 kgs(11 pounds). Is it possible if i eat normally for breakfast (eggs, milk) & lunch (whole grain bread, rice, fish, veg, etc.) but i limit myself to only fruits for dinner?Is it a healthy way of losing weight and does it work? How long does it take for me to lose weight this way?Can anyone please comment on this. Im desperate :(

How do I get my sound software back on computer..deleted it on accident.?

Then in an attempt to do a system restore I shut sys restore off and it won't allow me to go back to a date when I still had sound software...I know I'm a dummy so no need to

My fish is lying at the bottom corner of my tank completely still, but is still alive, help???!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I believe it is ammonia poisoning and your fish is suffering. To help your fish you may want to change 45% of the water fast with dechlorinated tap water.

If the world is your oyster, what is your pearl?

It would have to be my home where I grew up in Pennsylvania it holds many precious memories. It was a simpler time back then it is hard to find a pearl in the world today unless you have children.

Does the sugar in fruits feed cancer cells?

I know that they definitely feed YEAST and FUNGUS cells. Even if you consume no refined sugar, those cells will find something to feed on -- and a number of fruits (e.g. bananas) are indeed quite sweet. The question is: will the said fruit sugars feed CANCER cells as well?

How much is my snowboard worth?

i have a never summer premeire from 2007, but is it in very nice condition. it has sims bindings on it also. dose any one know how to tell a snowboards value?

At the end of megaman 3 dr wily got crushed to death so how did he reappear in all the other megaman games?

in the end of megaman 3 I saw wily get crush to death by a giant synder block and I know for a fact no mater how strong you are you an't going to survive that the only reason megaman survived was because he's a robot actualy I think megaman may be a cyborg because of what was said in megaman 4

Do you have any photos of WWII?

My father, Harold O. Whittemore was in World War II and was ranked a Sergeant. He served in Tunisia, Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Northern France, Rhineland and Central Europe. I'm looking for any photos that include my dad while in the service of our country. Please email me at if you have any. Thanks So Much!

Hmmmm.... Could He Have His Guard Up Just a lil too High??

ok dis guy & i fell out. His frat brother asked me & some friends to come out a drink magaritas w/ them. i didnt go. later that night he (the guy i fell out with) txt me asking y i didnt go. a wk l8er i txt him y he cared if i was there. he pretended not 2 knw who i was, while being defensive saying that oh i was just being nice&i deleted ur # its like u dnt even exist to me n e more,blah blah. so i was being a lil firm (i'm a law student), asking if he didnt know who i was y wud he b entertaining my txt msgs. he started being rude saying that you're da only a-h*** that starts off their txts with "i was thinking.." i each time i replied through txt i was laughing extra hard each time. I ended it by telling him that i care about him no matter if he thinks i exist or not. he apologized for being rude. I find this interesting especially since i still havent told him who i was. do u think he was being defensive just 2 hide his feelings?

Intelligent Design and creationism in schools?

Evolution is solid science. It's tested, predictive, observable, and falsifiable (but has not been). Creationism/ID is not science. It cannot be tested, cannot be observed, makes no testable predictions, and cannot be proven wrong because it makes no predictions. Anything at all can be claimed as evidence of creationism/ID. It falls at every hallmark of science. It's a religious viewpoint, and we do not teach religion in the schools. We teach science. Telling kids that creationism/ID is even a valid alternative is a severe disservice to their understanding of science. Religion has no place in science and doesn't apply to it at all. I'm glad to hear you don't mind learning about science in science cl. That's what it's for.

Jesus chose uneducated ordinary people as his disciples.. he did not tell them to write about him, but to..?

..believe in him and in his father. If Jesus was not the person as narrated in gospels, then why did his disciples willingly accept threats to their lives for his sake and spread the word of God? How could such illiterate people establish the greatest religion on earth today?

Determining if a solution is acidic, neutral or basic?

If Ca(NO2)2 is added to distilled water at room temperature, will the resulting solution be neutral acidic or basic?

Why was Napoleon interested in expansion?

Okay, I have done a lot of research but I want to be sure I am going in the right direction. People argue that his ego and personality backed by the French Revolution and Enlightenment were a large influence on his expansion. Also, he idolized Julius Caesar and the Holy Roman Empire, and he wanted to expand for the betterment of the French Empire (money involved in ruling different states) and take over Britain by conquering all of their allies and trade partners. Are there any more MAJOR reasons than these?

Any other American here see the ties that bind administrations for the last 40yrs?

Businesses want globalization, and both administrations have obliged. Money talks, not the ultimate well being of the average person. Bush has given tax cuts to business on the theory that they will plow these extra funds back into the US economy in the form of jobs. Yea, sure. They relocate operations overseas with no tax consequences; they take the money and run. After all the tax breaks and business the US government has given to Haliburton, they're relocating their HQ from Houston to Dubai. What we need are strict campaign finance which truly do limit contributions by wealthy individuals and corporate entities. That way, our politicians at least at the national level, will not so beholden to rich contributors.

Would you rather?.....?

look like Amber Lancaster but feel like Shiiiit? or Look like Rosie O'Donnell but feel hot and healthy!

Can you describe this thing that I had?

I believe you are referencing acid. You can usually find this on a dark street corner. If you're really interested, PM me and I'll give a few numbers and a good time.

What was the last thing to get you REALLY excited?

My new dishwasher. *sigh* My 46" tv flat panel will make me happy when I figure out how to hook it up right. I need a HDMI cable...anyone got one that they wanna let me have? Dang things aren't cheap...Geez!

How do you figure out the grams of this?

When aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride and sodium hydroxide are mixed, magnesium hydroxide (molar m 58.33 g/mol) precipitates out. Suppose that 100.0 mL of a 0.120 M solution of magnesium chloride is mixed with 100.0 mL of 0.210 M sodium hydroxide. How many grams of magnesium hydroxide will be formed?

How do I cash a check made payable to 4 people?

I am about to get my security deposit back from the landlords, and they are writing the check out to all 4 of us who lived in the apartment. How do we cash a check like this- do we all have to open an account together? What if it is difficult to get everyone in the same place at the same time?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bio Ques!?

It is important because the gametes of a mother and father (egg and sperm) combine, resulting in the correct amount of chromosomes

What should I do about my interview when it there is supposed to be a snow storm?

If the weather is actually that bad, they probably won't mind if you reschedule. And if you were to call them the morning of to let them know, they'd probably appreciate that you called in advance to let them know you couldn't make it; that shows responsibility.

I was infatuated with her now i'm over it need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

well we dated for 2 months then i told her i really liked her and wanted to be with her and it scared her she had been abused pretty badly her ex boyfriend and was stressed with school she said she couldnt be more then a friend right now and she needed her space its been 3 weeks and she will see me in 2 more when college is done i was depressed not seeing her and obsessed with her but yesterday she text me and started making plans for what we will do in 2 weeeks and now im relaxed and ok with not seeing her i want to see her but im scared i no longer feel that way about her and it scares me because i thought she was perfect i like her flaws and she is the kindest quirky and iest girls in my eye but not sure now looking back if we have a ton in common im so confused i still think shes perfect for me but i dont feel like i neeed to see her all the time anymore i dont really care for her that much right now am i still in love ? will it develop? was it infatuation? shoud we just be friends ? am i just feeling this way from not seeing her for a while ? i really am afraid i cant find anyone better then her i really believe that

Just traded a bit, want to know what you think of the new line up.?

I wonder if even one of them stickhandle past the rover, making him look like a pylon before putting the lotion in the basket backhand in the top left corner past the sieve !!

Am I getting an allergic reaction?

A few days ago a small area began to surface under my right nipple. It was about an inch long and it looked something like a mosquito bite and it even itches sometimes. Today whatever this is is spreading out causing more bumps resembling bites but i know that is not what it could be. I wonder if it is a rash of some time or possibly an allergic reaction. My girlfriend suggested that it might be the latter do to my change in washing powder. I had been using Fab before but now I am using Trend. I am hoping somebody can provide me with some answers.

How many of these stories are found in John's Gospel?

The most significant events of the Synoptic Gospels go as follows: In two of them Jesus is said to be born in Bethlehem, to a virgin named Mary. In all three, his public ministry begins with his baptism by John, followed by a period of temptation in the wilderness by the Devil. When he returns, he begins to proclaim the coming kingdom of God. This proclamation is typically made through parables. In addition to teaching, Jesus also performs miracles. Most of these miracles involve exorcisms. Halfway through these Gospels, he goes onto a high mountain and is transfigured before his disciples; it is there that he reveals to him his glory. Otherwise it remains hidden. Indeed, he does not speak openly of his identity and he commands the demons and others who know of it to keep silent. At the end, he has a last meal with his disciples, in which he institutes the Lord’s Supper, distributing bread (“This is my body…”) and then the cup (“This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood…”) He afterward goes out to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he asks God to allow him to forgo his coming Pion. He is then arrested by the authorities and made to stand trial before the Jewish authorities of the Sanhedrin, who find him guilty of blasphemy before delivering him over to the Romans for trail and execution.

In South Korea, do they sell...?

Koreans sell some of the candy that you listed in the convenient stores. I have seen Snickers, Reese's cups, Crunch Bars, and many other items. There are some Korean candy that is really good too. The Xylitol apple gum is also great!!

Grand Theft Auto Question?

Hey guys. im finnaly getting GTA4 and I have the simplest question. can you skip the intro where Niko is on the boat (i mean like the movie.) Im going to show this to my grandmother and i dont wnat her to see roman getting slapped by a lol

Idea on fixing the economy in the U S?

Why don't you spend some time studying how we "fixed the economy" after the other 18 recession in the last century. Thinking that tinkering with the marketplace to produce "better" outcomes is more often the problem, not the solution.

Was it right to form Israel?

So it's Britain's fault is it ? we really cant do right in the rest of the world's eyes can we , might as well just leave the rest of the world to their own devices

Would you please help with example of Paradox on some people's waste is other's income?

If some one can help to get paradaox , some people waste is other peoples income. I will appreciate.

WHY can't I get guys to be my BOYFRIEND!!!?????

for any realtionship to work u and that person should be like the best of friends first. cuz thats who will most likely and u should want to spend alot time with. Get to know a person and there intentions with u before even letting a guy kiss up on u and touch cuz a good and respectful guy would go for ur mind first and not ur pants. Try dating a different type guy

How can you make explosives using household materials?

is it possible to make explosives using things around the house? i dont mean just high explosives but deflagrants also. by "things around the house" i mean without any trips to the chemist for nitric acid or down to the industrial yard for premium-grade potium nitrate. can you tell me any recepies and if anything needs to be refined, how it can be done? also is it legal to make explosive material in the united kingdom?

Dying Marigolds?

I planted marigolds in east facing window boxes and within one day, half of them wilted, withered, died. The other half seem to be hanging on. Too much sun, too much water, too little water? How can keep the other ones alive. Maybe I damaged the roots when I repotted?

Where can I find good printable coupons on-line? Every site brings me back to the same place?

I am looking for grocery, baby, pharmacy and general merchandise coupons. Anything that can save me some money. Thank you

Why do Atheists say believing in God doesn't prevent many people from committing suicide?

I'm afraid I haven't. Apparently it's some sort of Japanese tree. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What can i take for my allergies?

im 38 weeks and 5 days and my allergies are getting outta hand already, it hurts to breath thru my nose, like it irritates my throat, im always congested and watery eyes and everythiing ugh.. wat can i take?

Superbowl Sunday...whos your pick? Packers...or Steelers?

The superbowl is Sunday...who are you cheering on...I'm going with the steelers...Big Ben and the Steelers defense will be a tough one for the Packers....but the Packers have talent as well..I'm excited to see who comes out on top..

My lyrics, give me feedbackk?

Hey I'm a song writer too and I've been writing songs for 3 years and I must say your lyrics are very mysterious... beautiful lyrics when you said you felt like jesus on the cross, keep it up, I love it... = ] it does need a little work but i give it a 8 out of 10 That s really good

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dell power supply question?

I recently picked up a Dell OptiPlex GX150 Series Desktop/PC(small form factor). When power is turned on nothing appears on the screen. PSU and CPU fans are on but drives don't boot up or sound like they are. I tested with a Aspire Power Supply tester when attached to connector all voltages are showing but the -5 volts. Could this be the culprit or could I be looking at a bad board or video?

My Mother & I are both having memory problems what could be an enviromental cause?

Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Oxygen deprivation does this. Check yourself for red, red lips and rosy cheeks. If you have this, get out, call the fire dept to verify, and find a nice motel room to sleep in while your furnace is being replaced.

Does God still protect Israel? Have you read of the miracles that took place in October 1973?

Syria and Egypt simultaneously attacked Israel from opposite ends of the country. Then what happened?

I like____and i dont know if he likes me 2?

Ask him when he seems happy. That's a good question. Get to know him first. Have fun! Remember you can just be friends!

Are most Obamacrats glad Obama wasted no time Attacking Pakistan, and Starting a New War against rural Muslims?

Sounds like Bush with just a lot more tax and spent included, but wait, it will all be considered Bush's fault. We need a new party, for the little man. A party which is willing to elect a common tax payer.

Did it really take 3 days to shoot Alex Cox's "Straight to Hell"?

I remember reading something somewhere that it took only 3 days for director Alex Cox to shoot "Straight to Hell", starring Dennis Hopper and Joe Strummer (of the Clash). I can't find anything in IMDb or Wikipedia. Can anyone confirm or deny this?

Which sign in which house? I don't get it?

In order to understand your birthchart you should look at the chart and the explanations for it, as well as the houses. Since each house stands for something different - such as one-self, home, partnerships etc. Below link should give you a good start to understand your chart.

How to get rid of frizzy curly hair?

The front of my hair is really frizzy and curly but the backsides, back and top are all wavy and what I want. How can I get the front of my hair like the back and top of it?

Should i do my main project in .NET or JAVA ? i'm doin engineering (I.T) ...?

.Net is more popular and more preferred over other languages. but since you are saying that you are completely unknown to it,do your project in .Net inly if you have lot of time, else go with java

Wut do you think bout this?? guys and girls?

Could be gay... try asking him this question "Curtis do u engage in activites with Tylar?"

Why isn't "60 Minutes" investigating ACORN?

They don't need to as Fox blew the doors off and finally got some action. The other media stations have to minimise the whole ACORN deal because they were ardent supporters of Obama - as is ACORN. They must continue to chant their mantra as to do otherwise would allow credibility to Fox for having the moxie to try and correct a serious wrong and we can't have that as after all, Fox is the station that the late night Hollywood chat jerks like to have us all laugh at.

11 week old baby fussing after fall?

My 11 week old fell off the couch on Tuesday, I took him to the ER and they checked him out and said he's fine but he's been SOOOOO fussy ever since. He wants to be in my arms all the time, he wasn't like this before, is this normal? How long will it last? Is there anything I can do to calm him? I've tried all the usual things, rocking, singing, walking, feeding, pacifier, playing with him, diaper changes, beths, I don't know what else to do.

What are alikes and differences of conductors and insolators?

im in the 10th grade and there's this small sheet we have to do. and so i need alikes and differences. i know a couple of differences but i need more and i need more alikes. please and thank you

Can u be on basic plan to have a pda like the droid eris?

or you have to be like on an internet plan thing like we have basic like unlimited tex and pic video incoming outgoing calls but no email and internet is blocked

Should Relegation be part of the AFL?

i dont think there are enough fans out there to make other teams viable, i mean who will follow a team playing in the second division. Its just not plausible for AFL footy.

Looking for a Slow Cooker Beef Stew Recipe?

I was just given a crock pot for Christmas and would like to make Beef Stew, a really good one. Anyone have any great slow cooker recipes??

Where do I get Kerry katonas jumper?

Hi, watched Kerry katona tonight (her 30th bday party series) loved the stripy jumper she had on with sequence. Anyone know where it from? Xxxxx

When is a good time of year to re-plant Fig trees?

They are currently in large taracotta pots and need to be planted in the yard. I'm scared if I wait too long that they will get root bound.

DVD to MP4 Converter's?

I tried DVD Fab, but I am not willing to pay 79.99 for an online software. I only want 4 DVD's ripped. Is there any other applications that allow you to do more the 5 minutes for free?

Would there be a noticeable difference in taste if I used bread flour instead of all purpose flour in stew?

Does it really make a difference what flour I use? I really don't feel like going to the store just for flour. It's just a little bit for the roux.

Who are the gay players and drug cheats that Akermanis named at an AFL function?

it has gotta be someone from the bulldogs because that really pissed them off as for drug cheats wce would have a few

Which candy to use for the reception tables?

I'm getting married in May and my colors are dark purple and light purple. We were going to make mint bags out of dark purple tulle tied with light purple ribbon, but then we found that the dark chocolate Hershey's kisses are the exact shade of our bridesmaids' dresses. Now we're torn between the mint bags or just sprinkling Hershey's kisses on the tables or both. Please help!

Fsb with amd 64 x2 cpu?

OK, just needing some clarification from OC's out there: Intel uses a "real" FSB to comm. with the NB, and AMD has the memory controller embedded in the chip, correct? Are all mobo's quad-pumped now, or just amd's? I ask because I have an Athlon 64 x2 4600+ and the "FSB" is 200 x12 mult= 2.4GHz. CPUz says my mem bus is 400MHz, but my mem is DDR800. Do you get the 800MHz because it's DDR?

Is a Triumph Speed Triple (III) motorcycle good for a beginner ?

I'm 5'7 ( height ), I was just wondering if a Triumph Speed Triple 2008 Model would suit and FIT me for a beginner ? Or maybe a 2008 Aprilia Shiver 750 ? I like the "naked" look on the motorcycles.

Does anyone know any good sites for finding a parent?

I've tried the searching the electoral roll but i'm getting tired of wasting money so i was wondering if anyone knew any decent sites, thanks.


It's a awsome movie, good actors and actresses. I thought some little parts were cheezy but the rest of the movie was great!

TEN POINTS!! Please please help me re-phrase this pharagraph!?

To many people it may just be a trivial subject when they pose the question: "So what if elderly people can't work their televisions?", and perhaps they would be correct in this umption if it were simply that the scope of difficulties faced by the elderly was limited merely to these "luxury items." For example, if we consider a housebound elderly man, who, never having known how to use a portable telephone, never bothers to buy one. If he had one then he would have something to carry with him in his pocket, a veritable connection to the outside world were he to fall or be faced with some other obstacle that prevented him from reaching his corded phone. But instead he does not have this as he was never taught how to use such a phone and so his safety is often at risk. If these sort of technological advancements were utilized more frequently, then perhaps we could keep the elderly out of convalescence homes and allow them to remain in their own homes with a higher degree of independence for longer. Likewise, since the elderly are not a marketable demographic in the technology industry, limited funding for research and development is set aside by corporations to develop products geared towards them.

Does this song make you fell weird...?

I just learned about this song last week. I like it, makes me feel happy. One day I'll buy an xbox and play it.

Period is 15 days late?

Im 14 and my cycle has been pretty normal sometimes skips a month but usually its comes about like 4 days late or something . but its never been so late. I had my midterms so it might be stress but i dont feel stressed out. I was due on the 18 and i got a few spots but it never came also some back pain. Ive been getting a LOT of discharge later but still noothing. And no im not pregnant im a virgin. Im getting kinda worried . Please help.

For those who hate WM 25 card (like me), do u think we should give WWE a chance before judging ?

You should wait until the show is released on DVD. If it's a good show then you could get it for cheaper and watch it whenever you want. If it's a bad show then you've saved $50 or whatever the PPV price is.

Friday, August 12, 2011 exchange question?

okay so i just have one question. I uploaded some toddler stuff and one of the toddlers had a pacifier, but I can't figure out how to get my toddlers to have the stupid pacifier, anyone know how?

What does this tagline from the film Rudy mean: "When people say dreams don't come true, tell them about Rudy"?

It means that Rudy's dreams come true- like being on the Notre Dame football team... and evenetually playing and getting a touchdown.

What to do with a difficult toddler at night?

i had the same problem with my son, and probably around the same sort of age i think? He only seemed to wake and cry when he realised his dummy was missing. What i did was get a little tub (i think i used an old xmas pudding round tub?) and cut two holes in it - threaded some cord/rope through it and attached it to the corner of his cot with the cord (very short so it couldn't unravel and choke him!) and i placed about half a dozen dummies in the pot. I showed him every night where his dummies were and in time when he spat out a dummy at night, he would reach for another. Its easier for them to reach for another than 2 hunt around in bedsheets for a lost one!

Question for people who know 'The Da Vinci code' well..?

I have read all three of the books ( Da Vinci code, lost symbol and angel and demons) I just checked the painting and if you actually look closely you can see it belongs to NO ONE. Look at the angle of the arm it not possible for that knife to belong to the man in the white beard.

Can Boys Wear Mens Ugg Boots?

The hottest,most popular boy in my middle school wore a pair of chestnut colored Ugg clic short "bomber" style Ugg boots to school today. He's like the captain of the JV football team,plays baseball and is totally hot. Ive never seen a boy wear uggs before but you really couldnt tell because his jeans covered them and the only way you knew they were Uggs was when he sat down and his jeans lifted and I saw the ugg australia label on the heels.To be honest with you they actually looked very good on him.He pulled them off actually.Nobody said anything bad about him that I knew.Some other boys commented about them but it was mostly out of curiosity basically how they felt to wear and if they were Uggs.It sounds like his friends might get them too.

WORLD WAR II prisoners of war?

Discuss how long prisoners of war would stay in the internment camps, the physical and mental issues they would face and how long POW's may have helped each other during their imprisonment.

Ways to hide my lip piercing?

Okay so I got my lip done like, six weeks ago now, and since I got it done the school have not stopped pestering me about it. I'll be walking down a corridor and some teachers will call me over and say something like "You do know you're not allowed facial piercings in school?" and I always say "Yeah but I'm expressing myelf" and walk off. I can't stand it anymore! I don't want to take it out, because I tried that, it was only out for an hour and it closed up, I had to re-pierce it myself. And I'm not walking round with a plaster on my face either.. I need ways to hide it from the teachers, 'cause I'm sick to death of them making such a fuss over it, it's only a tiny stud. Thanks in advance :)

Got a reckless driving ticket this morning! please help?

i was late for work and was driving at 79 mph and the limit was 55mph. a state trooper gave me a reckless driving ticket. what should i do? i'm a resident of virginia and its my first ticket ever. please help.

Is insulating material a thermal conductor?

Thermal conduction is the inverse property of thermal insulation. Thus, good thermal insulators are poor thermal conductors.

So I Guess I Really Really Screwed Up Right?

Your an idiot. Tell her how you feel! Or you will screw up really really bad. Get over your ego and if you Truly care for her tell her. Find a way to contact her and tell her. Let her know that you miss her.

Deferred adjudication in Texas?

I think that if you complete the adjudication successfully it'll automatically come off of your record, but I'm not 100% certain. You may want to call the court and ask them how it works exactly.

How can you claim the christian god's a nice guy?

That God character is a real joker don't you think? You seem to really be saying that God isn't real and I agree with you on that, but you are also trying to wind up the Christians on here.

Should my 4 year old get the h1n1 vaccine?

When he was about a year old he had alot of bronchitis and was even hospitalized once. The specialist said that he had seasonal asthma and was on medication for a while like about 6 months then the doctor said that he did not have asthma because he hasnt had any problems for about two years. Should he still get the vaccine????

Lover her alot need advice?

she sed she just wants to be friends "doesnt know if she sees anything happening" is there even still a chance? and if i don't quit tryin will she probably come around? were good friends see each other every day and talk, i don't want anyone saying to forget about it because it's not just a crush i have to have her i love her friend or G/F i would do anything for her. so moving on as of now isn't an option i have never met anyone like this before. she deffinetly shows that she cares about me to i don't know what to do help please. we are good friends though but not enough to deter her from be afraid to ruin the friendship. some people are telling me to talk to her more others are telling me to go away for a while so she realizes how much she's missing out on by missing me. i treat her good i buy her things she likes as surprises and she gets really happy. it's been a month since the friends thing,we got to know each other alot better since then but she smart and confuses me loli'm smart too haha but she just confuses me with the way she feels i'm the only one she flirts with.

Issues with homemade aquarium decorations?

We got an aquarium several weeks ago and I started to really like it. I wanted to make some decorations/shelters for it and I did a bit of research on multiple sites. ALL of them said that you can use basalt or granite rocks with fish safe silicone. And that's exactly what I did. I took some basalt rocks(like the ones on railroad tracks, unused of course), boiled them, let them dry and glued them together with aquarium silicone into a few shelters or simpler decorations. I built them step by step, let them dry etc. As the silicone smells something like vinegar, and some strands are left by the rocks(i will clean most of them) I still am concerned about its safety(on it package it states CLEARLY that its made for aquariums, its non toxic and may emit acetic acid when it dries). It is AquaSil Transparent Silicone from JBL. Are these shelters safe to use?

Royal rumble results?

jeff hardy beat edge john cena beat jbl matt hardy beat jack swagger the divas matches isent here yet so i dont know royal rumble winner;the great khali taking out chavo guererro and big show

Does our Supreme Court and the Judicial system serve our country well ?

By denial of Cert to so many cases every year SCOTUS is legislating and establishing more law than the Congress. This seems to also be a refusal of due process as guaranteed by the Constitution

Why's my baby quiet most of the time?

Im a first time mom at mid 20's and my baby is one year old now and 2 mos, and im wondering why he's quiet most of the time. Is this normal? well, he cries when he needs milk and changing diapers, and after that he sleeps again. It's very difficult to make him smile and when he smiles, you have to wait for a long time to see him smiling again. He doesn't display a lot of reactions like other babies do (a lot of babytalk, cries a lot, laugh and smiles often, move a lot, responds to music a lot etc.) One time he shook his head to the music and i was happy seeing him enjoying. But he's seldom doing that now. Im worrying if there is something wrong with the emotions of my baby because i was having a hard time all throughout my pregnancy. I went though a lot of depressions. I don't know much about babies. Can you educate me on this? He's always quiet most of the time and i think he is shy.

If I use 10%ethanol will my o2 sensors see cleaner exhaust and up my gas ratio ?

Just started seeing 10% stickers on gas pumps. Wont it burn cleaner with more 02 and increase fuel to air ratio messing with my gas milage.I know ethanol is 30% less efficiant than gasoloine which will lower my milage considerably.The ethanol is 10%.I dont want gas with ethanol im not a corn farmer. What a scam !05 silverado 5.3

I just went to the vending machine and pushed my usual F8 and my Funyuns had been replaced by....?

...a little pecan pie. Ewww What's the nastiest thing you see in vending machines but would never buy? For me, Hot Fries.

Muslim with ax tries to chop Danish cartoonist & his granddaughter to death. Is 0bama disappointed?

Where is the surprise that all of these attacks are taken place given how weak of a person is in the White House and given how he said he would stand with muslims if the wind blew in an ugly direction?

Why did this guy stop texting me?!?

Well, maybe he feels like he's the one annoying you.. especially since he told you that you were acting weird after he tried to feel you up. Maybe he feels like he was coming on too fast or strong and made you uncomfortable. He's probably just giving you space. That, or because you didn't let him feel you up, that's a sign that you won't be putting out anytime soon. But I doubt that's the reason.

Will the Brits see this hostage thing for what it truly is or are they going to see it just the way?

Amadinijad wants them to. They made a "gift" of the things they stole in the first place?, right now I am praying that the English people see compleately clearly what a crock of crap all this is and that Iran is playing them and the rest of Europe for a giant group of utterly gullible suckers, who can't see that this was nothing more than an attempt to get Britain to ease up on the sanctions talk, and make England look stupid and weak and make Mahmoud ( Mr. Benevolent ) Amadinajad look good. Please tell me they didn't fall for it, but I have a feeling they have, and have lost all sense of forsight and can only see the next day or two and anything past that is non existent

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Music Downloader ?!?

I just deleted Limewire because I was having way too many problems with it, so I was wondering which music downloader is the best to use that you haven't had any problems with. I don't want a torrent downloader !! So ones like Ares, Frostwire, Sumo .. ??

How to make pork chops with applesauce in a crock pot?

If you have some canned stock, add that some of your soy sauce, and a little pepper. You can add ginger, or omit the soy sauce and add the lemon and garlic. I personally think that garlic and soy sauce don't really mix well. You can throw in some carrots and potatoes, and then turn it on low before you go to work, and when you get back it's ready. If you don't want to leave it alone, you can do it on a day off, put in everything in the morning and in the evening you can have dinner. Crock pots are a specific brand name for a slow cooker. And slow cookers obviously don't cook anything fast. If you do want to put it on high, you are going to have to either sear the chops in a pan or roast them in the oven for about ten minutes before putting them in the crock pot.

Can I have multiple business activities under one LLC?

I'm a single member LLC. I'm involved in several businesses. 1) photography- actual business involvement trying to sell photos 2) real estate- expended money actively searching and reviewing income producing real estate investments and 3) invested small portion in an interest bearing note yielding only interest income for now. May be converted to equity stake. To keep it simple for now, can i consolidate all the expenses incurred to search for realestate and buying photo equipment under the same LLC? So far, only received interest income and minor income from photo sales which have not exceeded the expenses to date. thanks

How did i do with my 1st attempt at makeup?

you did a very good job :) if you want you can try to put the eyeliner on a little bit thicker on the top or eyeshadow if you wanna be more dramatic :) if your having some trouble with the thickness or thinness of the line on top or bottom you can always perfect it with a cotton swab that has a little bit of makeup remover on it, i find mary kays removers works wonders

Fallout:New Vegas, How do i fight with the NCR at Hoover Dam?

I would like to get the NCR ending but i do not know how? + How do i get to fight with them at Hoover Damn

"best" friends embarr me in front of boyfriend?!?

So 2 of my "best" friends have been dying to meet my boyfriend, i finally tell them they can. last nite me and him were out walking through our neighborhood and they were worried about me and came looking for me. then they saw him and said hi and stuff, and then we went up to my room (all 4 of us) and they picked out everything embarring they could. like i have these old cds like cheetah girls and crap and they showed him that, and when i told them to get out because we were going to watch a movie they threw a fit and called me bipolar and ****, when the girl that said it wont even let us say it at her house bc someone in her family is bipolar. i havent talked to all 3 of them (2 friends and boyfriend) since last nite. do you think he still likes me?!

USA went & stuck a democracy smack dab in the center of the mid east(Iraq)?

wow you are stupid. Saddam was PUT IN POWER BY THE USA. Get a clue. Jesus people like you think you have a clue and write sh*t like this? Obama is a warmonger just like Bush..all we here is we need more troops..he has gotten us out of nothing. He is a bigger disappointment than Bush. At least Bush never lied about his intentions..I voted for Obama because I believed his lies...what about getting the troops home? How about all that fiscal responsibility he talked about? Well apparently that just flew right out the window as he is running the country further into the ground with deficits. I know he inherited a terrible situation, but he has just made it worse.

Have your parents ever went to any concerts?

please your dad did not see QUEEN... or T. Rex or Thin Lizzy and if he did tell him to show you a ticket or souvenir and also why hasnt your dad seen The Rolling Stones, The Police, Def Leppard or AC/DC when they were around or Led Zep... please you want me to believe that he saw QUEEN hahaha and you mispelled foreigner... i think your dad lied to you.

Who should i drop to get Scheffler of the IR?

I think you drop Scheffler. You really only need him on the Charger's bye week, and I really don't think skipping the TE position for one week will hurt you. I think you can leave Scheffler at the IR position indefinitely in most leagues, but must drop a player to get him into the starting rotation, which if that is the case, delay until the Charger's bye week to make a decision.

What exactly was so Great about Taint Peter?

peter's taint-hood saw a thing of beauty. it had just the right about of hair and after a good hot shower, it smelled lovely.

? or no ? girls help, boys help, thank you?

baby, this is my last night in town.... lets make it special before I'm off to war and never see you again?

Blackberry question....?

I am going to buy a blackberry/blackjack/treo and was looking for some information, as I am pretty naive in this area. Will I be able to have multiple e-mail accounts forwarded to the phone? Also, which plan will I need, I don't plan on doing much web browsing, just using the e-mail/text features (mainly e-mail). Any opinions on which of the three is the best?Thanks!

My bestfriend is dying, i dont know how to cope?

My bestfriend recently told me she's dying or cancer, she hasnt got that long left and i just dont know how i am going to cope when she's gone. she's my only friend tbh so i aways see her. I don't know what to say whenever i see her anymore but i dont want to sound like a tit. i know she's dying and i just cant put into words what i need to say before she goes. Recently shes become weaker and so she cant travel to mine and see me and she's not always well enough for me to go round hers. i really love her to bits and i dont want to let her go.

Is my sister jealous of me?

No, I think your sister just lacks confidence in herself due to her own experiences and she is projecting that on your efforts to attain a better position. She does not make sense in her attempt to undermine your advancement, does she? I think you know the answer to that. Becoming a manager is possible as it is done everyday. It is also the job of present management to build qualified managers for the future of a company. Advancement is what propels most businesses to achieve success within their own organization, therefore the encouragement you are getting from the other managers fits the business model for most organizations. There are no guarantees in life in regards to anything, however you increase your odds of success by making the effort to set goals and try like hell to achieve them. Your own drive and focus is what will most probably be the defining component of your success and I am very excited to hear your responses to the negative family input you are having to experience. Take heart, you will either attain that management position with that company or take what experience you gained with you to a company that will give you that position! My bets are all on you!

Why is is so hard to listen to our instincts, specially when it comes to relationships?

There's a saying, “Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't”. People are afraid of starting over dating and putting themselves out there. They think sticking with the present (lousy) situation is somehow better.

Is it true that in the mormon temples they cut a sliver in the mens backs to draw out blood?

I heard that in the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that the men lay on a table with their backsides up. Then someone used a sharp sea shell and goes down the line cutting a long sliver from neck to waist on each of the men allowing blood to come out. This blood is supposedly symbolic of something.

Should Felix Hernandez win the Cy Young?

I know that Zach Grienke had the better e.r.a, but he pitched in the AL central. Felix has had to pitch several games against the AL west. The Angels and the Rangers are good hitting clubs. Felix would have had 22 wins without the blown saves. Whats your opinion?

Why were martha jefferson,her children and decendants buried in the Monticello cemetary and not sally hemings'?

because she was a slave and that would be considered outrageous if a white man's family and their slaves are buried together because blacks were considered inferior.

Is counterfeiting a moral hazard?

A counterfeit is an imitation, usually one that is made with the intent of fraudulently ping it off as genuine. Counterfeit products are often produced with the intent to take advantage of the superior value of the imitated product. The word counterfeit frequently describes both the forgeries of currency and doents, as well as the imitations of clothing, software, pharmaceuticals, watches, electronics and company logos and brands. In the case of goods, it results in patent infringement or trademark infringement. The counterfeiting of money is usually attacked aggressively by governments. The counterfeiting of goods is countenanced by some governments, including the Obama regime.

I'm 5 weeks pregnant...can I lift this?

I would ask your doctor, every pregnancy differs. I'm in a high risk pregnancy and was told I could lift whatever I want, and at 40 weeks I still move my love seat around so I can pull it up closer to the t.v. to play video games with my husband or watch t.v. because my dog chewed my frames and my eye doctor won't order me new lens' until after the baby is born lol.. so I would speak with your doctor about your pregnancy..

Do Rabbis preach in a synagogue like in a christian service?

I expect there nay be some differences between Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Anyone able to enlighten me? If so how does the preaching differ markedly from Christian preachers? Of course I understand it is minus Jesus and the New Testament - I am talking more about style here.

What does this quote mean ?

Hi. What the speaker is saying is that he is not worthy of living any more. "tainted wether of the flock" means the weakest animal in the group. Meetest for death means the best one to die. The weakest kind of fruit etc. means that the rotten fruit falls and leaves the best to ripen. He ends by telling Banio that he should live and write the speaker's epitaph - the saying to go on his grave.


I have a 200cc bored .20 over with wiesco piston, NGK plug, v force carbon fiber reed system, uni filter. after market extended axle, twist throttle

Do the bruins play the capitols now?

if it is by brackets, then bruins play the caps, if its by seeds, then the play someone else, so is it brackets or seeds?

This is for the DJS?

I can't understand these kind of people, They don't know what they want. Believe me it's nothing you can do to satisfy them.She is trying to play you, She didn't want to pay anyway. Personally I wouldn't do the gig. She doesn't know what she wants but she does know she doesn't want to pay you. You sound like you're ready to go the extra mile to please a customer. Make people give you a non-refundable deposit up front for a gig that way if they back out on you you won't have wasted your time preparing for a gig only for them to cancel at the last minute. Once I spent all this time preparing for this big Ol' School Retirement Party only for the lady to cancel out at the last minute. What a bummer. It's been money up front ever since. Keep up the good work.

Uh Huh...I have spoken?

In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "This week, Congress ped a bipartisan rescue package to address the instability in America's financial system(and to help us in fleecing the American Public before I/We leave office....more than we have).This was a difficult vote for many members of the House and Senate(because they'll be without jobs,or me to keep them in one after I/We leave),but voting for it was the right choice for America's economy(and me and my firends....once we buy up all this cheap sh*t...WOO WHOOOOOO...)and for taxpayers like you(hehehehehehe).I appreciate their efforts to help stop the crisis in our financial markets(that I/We created)from spreading to our entire economy(until after I'm gone...THANK YOU!!!).And I appreciate their willingness to work across party lines in the midst of an election season(And not make it look like just the Republicans did all this to you...I did my part for ya Johnny Boy).GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

Is it normal to have a profound lack of interest in other people?

I have no problem keeping myself occupied and busy. I just don't have any interest in others. One woman told me once that I had a fear of intimacy. I'm not sure it's that. I think I just don't like to be bothered by people.

Another question about a sentence in Spanish using the Preterite or Imperfect past tenses. Can you help?

If I said this would it be in the Preterite or the Imperfect? "I studied Spanish in high school and college". I am iffy on this but I would say Pretirite because High school has ended (hence a completed action) and so has my learning at the University. So it'd be something like "Estudie' espanol en escuela secondaria y a la Universidad". Tell me what you think.

How Would Kids Survive with TV Shows They like That are on Cartoon Network?

Now its been a long time since we heard from Time Warner Shows don't Worry about Kids WB Kids Wb is Terminated,but only available online how long will 4kids block will be on CW? 5 Years... so its 2011 so we have one more year how would it be? would it be affiliated with Time Warner oh or course The CW would of had Partnership with some network that would help them to make a block, 4Kids Would have no home but to merge with Fumination Pokemon would still be dubbed by Duart Film and Video... or maybe later they will switch to Fumination or Viz but of Course Viz is the Same thing as 4kids,cause you know pokemon is the #1 show of 2005 beating sponge bob,Cartoon Network Would definitely have to do something with CW, The CW is the only official network to air rare Cartoons if people had cable no need to worry MyNetWork TV will get something else than 4kids are airing on their network,so how does this end of children being bored?

What is the best way to get leaves and such out of walking path pebbles?

i want to take the pebbles from my back yard and move them to the walking path leading up to my front porch. (because i'm broke and can't go buy new ones). they have apparently been there for a while and have a ton of yard leavin's mixed in with them. what is the best (cheapest) way to separate the rocks from the trash

What should I be for Halloween this year?

So, I want to go y, but not ish. I'm a petite girl, very slender and I have nice legs that could pull off something short. Small chested though, so nothing for busty chicas. I did a biker-chick sort of thing last year and I'd rather not do that again. Originality is best if possible, but I'm up for any suggestions. Gimme a link if you can. Thanks! :D

Parents: What do you feel about this? (Read Description)?

Ok, parents. I think if you got out, you've probably heard of the popular teen label: Emo. What are your opinions on it, and what would you do if you found out your child was "Emo?" Thanks in advance and I ask this mostly out of curiousity, and I really want a parent's point of view. :)

Is it normal for him to want more , when we have these kind of trust issues?

About a year ago, I found out that my boyfriend had cheated online with multiple girls under an alias e-mail address. I also found out that he had e-mailed his ex-wife and told her he enjoyed watching her play with "toys" I can't seem to get over this betrayal...I have no tolerance for him's like what he did made me fall out of love with him. This is the only man that really ever made my heart leap for him when I saw him. He told me he did all this because he wanted attention and to feel wanted. We have a child together and to say the least our life has waned with this new addition to the my hormones have never been so sluggish. Is the internet chats cheating and can he be trusted so that I can fall in love with him all over again?

Easy vegan recipes and support with my new decsision?

Excellent decision! Right now, I would just recommend buying a vegan cookbook that you like ("1000 Vegan Recipes" by Robin Robertson), and finding groups and forums for vegans on the Internet.

A Question About Sleeping?

one might argue that the brain is actually more active while we are sleeping. our conscious mind is not active though

What do you like better for a tattoo????

I like number 7, although I would shorten it to "Do not follow where the path may lead". It's more blunt and in that, strong.

Is VH1's Top 20 Countdown host Alyson Becker?

Her name is spelled Alison Becker and she used to be the host of Top 20 Video Countdown. On the January 3, 2009 broadcast of Top 20 Video Countdown, Alison Becker announced that it would be her last show as host. The new host is now Jim Shearer.

What are good action/adventure movies that are PG?

I'd rather them not be PG-13 but if they are like starwars, narnia or lord of the rings and PG-13 that is ok but try to keep them PG. So you what are good PG action and adventure movies? ( I alread know about starwars Narnia and Lord of the rings, and don't want to watch Harry potter)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fairness products create DIFFERENCE..!!! what is ur Opinion???

Well I think it is that we all have different skin types and hair types so that is why they do it. I don't think it's being racist

Facts on Earlobes?

I know that free earlobes are dominate and attached earlobes are recessive can anyone tell me any interesting facts on earlobes. Is it a multiple allele?

Whys athietts sobad why tthey evil?

hi im christian and i want know why atheists are so gay? ai mean cm on they dont beleve in god. how they think we got here explosions, fags. i dont like atheists. jesus dosnt love atheists at allwhy do they have to be stupid all atheists are homils and they should be arrested. ur thots i meen im a sientist and if the big bang is tru then why dont we see monkys turn into humans when ever medeors crash into eech other!!!!!

Should Australia become a republic?

Since the role of Head of State is purely ceremonial I don't think it matters one way or the other. The lives of the Australian people will not be affected in any way by the choice. There are no practical advantages or disadvantages to either choice, so it all comes down to which one the Australian people like the most. It's a question of personal preference, like food, rather than one of practical advantage.

HOw come our media is not reporting on the human rights violations going on under Hugo Chavez?

For the same reason the media didn't report on the atrocities going on in Rwanda and Sierra Leone the whole time Clinton was attacking Kosovo for its "ethnic cleansing" policy.

I'm 13, I started writing this story. Is it any good?

Sorry. Boring. zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ. Not enough description either, not enough sentence length variety, and also very simple sentences.

My grandpa is in the hospital?

First of all my grandpa had something close to a heart attack but not exactly a heart attack.It happened like yesterday and he is still in the hospital and I think by tommorrow they will see if hes gonna stay alive or not.Right now hes alive in the hospital he is having trouble breaththing so they have him some sorta tube to make him breathe.I havent seen him at all.The only time I saw him is when I was a baby when I still lived in lebanon.Now I live in nashville.My mom hasnt seen him in like 10 yrs almost 11.Its really sad she dosent get to see her dad at this moment.She calls her sisters to check on him.And last night I had a dream that he stayed alive but my dreams never come true ): He is 86 yrs old.He did smoke.If he does die I will still cry.He always asked about me.Btw im 12 my b-day was june 10.I have 2 sibling which are boys one is 11 one is 8. ):

Parents making me do sport I dont want...?

You know what you've done to let them down, so cheer them up by reversing your actions and at least attempt it. Sure your dad wants you to play football and you have come to your conclusions that your not that good, but try to understand his view of things... You're his son. He wants you to be around for all the macho manly stuff. Kid your lucky to even have a dad- just think of all the other kids in the world who dream of sharing the activities with your father that you hate

What's the relationship between menopause and menstruation?

menopause is when most females stop getting their period and can't reproduce kids and it starts at early 30's or younger depending on their condition and menstrual is when a woman get their period every month and can have kids which is normal

If MCR were to go on tour right now, how much do you think tickets would be?

I have 100 bucks saved from my birthday, and I want a good ticket when they go on tour with their new album. Does anyone know how much tickets would cost?

If you look at an image of a letter in a microscope, what will be seen?

i dropped 1 drop of water to the image of "letter e" before i covered it with a cover slip. i examined it with the low power objective, then why was the letter e inverted?

Free download manager?

Which is the best and freeware download manager software available ???........please gimme the link..........thank u :)

Tryng to replace recessed fixtureThe springs came out. How do I put them back?

When I was changing the bulb one spring came off and the other was on. I took it completly out. How do I put the springs back in. They weren't on each side when removed. One side was placed in a small hole. Can someone help?

Dear all creationists (evolutionists read)?

Funny you asked this tonight... I'm a senior in high school and we tried to discuss evolution in my Environmental Science cl today. This cl is normally pretty rowdy, but as soon as we got into it, it became worse than ever. People all started talking about what they think to their neighbors. Since I helped the teacher explain some things that relate, like the Bing Bang theory, and some other examples of relevant topics, I had like 5 kids asking me to elaborate. I tried as hard as I could to remain completely unbiased as I told them. Most of them seemed pretty interested until I was asked if I believed in a god. I told them I didn't, and chaos broke out. One girl started pouring out her heart to me about how she has never believed in the catholic teachings, but couldn't say that or her family would disown her. One guy was still trying to convince me god had to be real. A dude on the other side off the room gets super pissed and starts making threats and eventually storms out of the clroom. The teacher had to talked to him for about 5 minutes outside. 2 of his friends spent most of the cl afterward trying to 'calm him down' they said. Throughout this whole scene I have a girl telling me not to worry about it over and over as if I'm some kind of victim. By the end of cl, I had like 4 different people telling me this kid hates my guts. I think the scary part is how under-informed all of my peers are. I wish the media and religion didn't keep america so ignorant.

Dog prefers to chew on blankets and pillows as opposed to toys?

I have a 5 year old dog who prefers to chew my blankets and pillows as opposed to Rawhide and other toys. I will give her a squeaky toy and she'll tear it up in 20 minutes and then back to my blanket. Not only is it tearing up my things, I also think it's bad for her as she ingests parts of the blanket after chewing. Any advice?

Menopause trying to find an herb to help with hormones but more importantly my drive. Can anyone help ?

Is there an herb or prescription for women to help with their drive. I'm not experiencing to much of the hot flashes, but do have mood swings. Any suggestions besides o/c Estrovan I think it is.

Adjusting Lifters on a 1996 Isuzu Trooper?

I have a 1996 Isuzu trooper and the lifters are ticking I was told to adjust them are there any instructions out there I can use?

Which celeb is ur least and favorite from these people?

Selena Gomez justin bieber Miranda cosgrove 1 or the Jonas brothers miley Cyrus keke palmer or Debby Ryan David henry Victoria justice its basicly nick and disney stars

Why God could not save Gandhiji from Godse? Gandhi believed a Universal God but shot dead while his pray, why?

Today is Gandhi Jayanti (Birth anniversary). He is a respectful world leader. I put forward a thought for this day. Have you ever thought that why God (Almighty-?) is helpless to save the life of good people? There are stories in epics as examples for God's greatness (Prahlada and Markandeya). But in real life we are unable to see any example. Comment honestly.

MCR FANS?! [20 stupid characters]?

I KNOW! I check it a few times a day HOPING that somebody is going to post, but NOOOO. I must constantly see how Mauna Kea = Paradise!

Older Small horse Beginner Novice Eventing?

So, I just asked what you thought about a pony eventing BN. What about this horse. He's 14.3, 15 years old, and used to be a hunter jumper. The owner was told he's a quarter pony, but be has the body of a TB and the face of an Irish Draught. She said he jump very well. He was just injured pretty badly today. His muscle skin and muscle were cut. It required stitches. It where the girth goes so he won't be ridden for a few months. It won't affect him after it's healed up, but anyway. What your opinion on that. I'm have lots of experience when it comes to young horses, but I can't tell with theses old and /or small guys. He;s very sweet, and I'm sure he float around the dressage ring and over jumps. Thanks, no rude answers please!

What does this dream mean?(I know it's long but please answer)?

Dreams don't mean anything, they just prapare you for the real thing. For example, if you fight in your dream, remember how you fought and that might help you how to fight for real in the real world.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What happened to has disappeared, have they been blocked, taken down by the man or what...i keep getting a stupid page for finding a mate....there was a ton of freeware programs at the site.....anyone have any ideas?

What do you think of bon jovi?

personally i find bon jovi in the 80s pretty crazy but what about now do you think he lost the crazy attitude or do you think hes still pretty dame good

Would anyone like to know the trivia answers for US 99.5 for March 2,2008?

Champions Paula Radcliffe was born in Davenham, England in 1973. She is a world cl British long distance runner, holds 10 world records for running, and won the New York City Marathon in November of 2007, in a time of 2:23:09. What was Radcliffe doing on January 17, 2007, just over nine months prior to the NYC Marathon? (Enter in the letter of the correct corrosponding answer). - B(Giving Birth),Country Music Trivia Josh Turner was born in what city? -Hannah,South Carolina,Extraordinary In 1862, a 15 year old Thomas Edison became a publisher of a weekly newspaper called the Grand Trunk Herald. However, it was where the newspaper was published and sold that got him renowned as a pioneering boy journalist. Where was the Grand Trunk Herald published and sold? (Enter in the LETTER of the correct corrosponding answer). -B(On A Train),Famous Firsts In 1934, skiers in Woodstock, Vermont had it made. Once they skied to the bottom of the mountain they were able to get back to the top -B

This is an opinion poll for citizens who believe in the greatness of america and want to keep the united state?

as a constitution based republican form of government for perpetuity. the united states is not a democracy and has never been one. the roman empire which lasted for 1000 years began as a republic, morphrd into an empire, then into a dictatorship finally overwhelmed in defeat. the bi-weekly news and commentary magazine the new american is is published by the john birch society and is available by subsciption to educate and inform to create understanding. the new american magazine also publishes a quarterly congressional digest of the voting record of each representative and senator in congress on how they voted on the major spending bills and pending legislation. you believe this magazine is worthy of your attention?..www. the new american. com "that freedom shall not perish"

Anybody correct any mistake on this memo that i didi for school?

Dude, you need to rewrite the whole thing. All you did was copy straight form the book. Are you even trying? Maybe trying to get kicked out of the cl for plagiarism. How about you actually think this time for more than five minutes and come up with a legitimate paper.

What colors look good against pale skin?

I have Dutch ansestry, so I know what you mean. I prefer medium to light toned clothes. Sky blue, lavender, and a medium green are my favorites. Darker is okay also, but don't wear too much black. It's kind of a matter of opinion.

Should I add anything to gas for my outboard boat motor?

I just recently discovered that the reason my motor kept quitting on me the first time out was due to water in the gas. I had siphoned out some gas from the bottom of the can as suggested and it wasn't long and you could clearly see a separation of gas and water in the jar. I am going to dump all of that gas out of the can and dry out the can the best I can. When I add fresh gas to the can should I add anything to the gas? I thought I heard of something that was added to the gas for outboard motors because of the ethanol that is in the gas is hard on them. Any help on this?

Why the movie Antichrist (with William D.) has that name?

von trier laced the film with references to the temptations underwent by adam and eve. it is called antichrist to embody the temptations and evils that they face in the land known as eden.

You know the type of person who absolutely wants to be friend with you coz ...?

you like the same type of music and are of the same astro sign? yes well i thought me and this guy are the same cause we have this 2 in common, but i realized im far from being like him. he's always depressed and writing philosophical **** while im pretty down to earth and straight forward. he's been msging me everytime and tagging pictures he drew of me etc... i find it too much. he's a good person but there's something which repels me from him... i dont know if its his shitty status that he is writing or its him... we dont live in the same town, thank god! he has friends to talk to but he prefers me coz he knows i'll understand him. he's always commenting on my status on face, and gets depressed through his status... i dont know what the **** is wrong... im a pretty positive person, i dont see anything wrong but he thinks he's different. this is pathetic right?

How come my sim's "mate" will not sleep in the same bed with my sim, after they have "woo hooed"?

I invite my sim's special love interest to spend the night, he gladly accepts, they end up woo hooing (3 times to be exact) and when it comes time to p out. The lover walks around the house all night crying for sleep but talking to himself in the mirror, taking showers, playing guitar in the bathroom, but doesn't even attempt to sleep with my sim or even on the sofa. What's going on? I know he can get in the bed because of the woo hoo's.

Looking for a UK website that sells skater type trainers?

there is a wide variety of websites that sell them, have you tried ebay? if your able to get to a tk maxx store they sell all those makes at very reasonable prices! I did buy some dc trainers on the schuh ebay shop not so long ago for �21, heres a link: a href="" rel="nofollow"

Putting Car Registration in Companies Name?

I have a quick question for you, I recently purchased a vehicle in my Company Name, I am going to be going down to the BMV to have the registration and plates put in my companies name. When I contacted the BMV by the phone, they asked me if I was a signer for the company which I am, and informed me that I would need the Title, Business TAX-ID, and my Driver License. The problem I have is my Driver License and Registration Privileges are currently suspended. Will this be an issue sense I am not putting the car in my name? Can I just show them a state ID? This car is going to be used by my employees, but I don't want to have them driving around and a Police Officer do a random plate check, and pull them over because my name comes up they think this person has a suspended license. Please let me know what I can do, or what I need to do?

Failed to format the selection partition[error:0x80070057] plz help find me a solution?

Hard drive may be really damaged. Use a Linux Live CD and boot from it. You will be able to examine your HDD from this. fdisk /dev/hda will be the command to be used from a terminal.

Can you blame Booker T?

lets be real if you was booker t with all those politics on raw and been treated like he's not a former world champion.people let's face it he should of been in the title run once he left smackdown besides HHH Booker t is main event material never mind the steriods all them did it but he know he wasnt going anywhere on raw i know he's happy in TNA

Toolbars disappear like programs wants to expand to full screen?

I've recently been playing Market Street and Frontierville on Facebook. When playing the game you have the option of making the game screen your full window size. Recently there were updates added to my computer by Microsoft. Now when I'm logged into Internet Explore my windows seem to want to expand to full screen and with that my toolbars completely disappear and reappear when I scroll over them..but in the background I can see information from the page I was just on. Help please-=

Can anyone explain parent of origin effect?

You're right about genomic imprinting, but I don't think anyone is exactly sure HOW or WHY genomic imprinting occurs (in humans, it accounts for <1% of phenotypic effects), but I've read that paternal alleles contribute to growth and development while maternal alleles do not.

Top 3 least favorite wrestler?

edge jbl and cane cause hes a duece and never makes sense.but hey i like cm punk mainly cause i think hes hot though

How much would you buy my ps2 and games for? i need a reasonable price to when i sell it?

so i know most people wont buy a ps2 but i need to sell it anyways! i want serious answers ONLY! i got a ps2, 2 controllers (one blue one black) 32MB memory card, Madden06, splinter cell, Black Hawk down, NBA2K7, Dance Dance Revolution disney edition (also comes with mat) , Narnia, Buzz the mega quiz (comes with 4 answer pads), guitar hero world tour, (comes with guitar drums and microphone). so i want to sell it on craigslist! what price should i ask for?

Justice v. Revenge, what is the difference between the two?

Revenge is (v.) to inflict punishment in return for (injury or insult) but Justice (n.) is the quality of being just; fairness according to so, does that mean that the two are basically one and the same? If not, then what are the differences between the two?


What would've happened if during the deliberation, colonel Jessup didn't get emotional & blurt out that he ordered code red? What would be the outcome then to Pfc. Louden Downey, Lance Cpl. Harold W. Dawson, & Lt. Daniel Kaffee?

A Part Of My Novel, would it be a great addition to the plot?

My heartbeats were uncountable, drumming with the accompaniment of my horror. I felt any part of my body better than I ever had. The cells in my limbs joined together, clinging along my skeleton as they revolved around the veins, chafing against them in a farewell hug, refusing to leave. A new wave of terror was sent through the chambers in my heart, and with a sudden movement, they started coming apart, fraying like an old clothe, like a dead man's corpse after the worms had eaten every single bit of it.

I want to select 4 letters at random without replacement from the first 15 letters in the alphabet. Find the?

probability that only one of the 4 letters selected is a vowel. Use three decimal places in your answer.

What`s being done in the Timor sea in regards to the SPILL?

A oil rig has been leaking for 3 weeks,Aprox 400 barrels a day. in the Timor sea North of AUSTRALIA.Who owns this rig?WHY aren`t they RESPONSIBLE for the CLEAN UP!Why do we allow INTERNATIONAL companys to get away with ENVIROMENTAL TERRORISM!!! Thats what it is.IF you or I dump that much crap into the ocean We WOULD BE PROSUCUTED.WHY NOT THEM???

David Lee Owns All. The Knicks Should Be Named After Him?

Not to mention he has out performed Amar'e Stoudamire, Shaquille O'Neal, Antawn Jamison, David West, Chris Bosh, Elton Brand, etc. all this year.

Was/Is Osama Bin Laden a CIA employee like Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Luis Echeverria or Fidel Castro ?

I dont think he was an employee per se, but there is solid evidence that the CIA supported the Afghan Mujahaideen (rebels) during their war against the Soviets, supplying them with weapons. By ociation, that would include bin Laden.

Monday, August 8, 2011


should i trade my andre johnson and marion barber for adrian peterson of the vikings and steve smith of the giants

My uality help please?

I am 14 and I have been questioning my self I am 'probs gay or bi with girls I get a bit turned but I dont feel anything for them and with guys I find them attractive and can see myself with a guy and felling more comfortable with one but I can see myself married to a girl but there's nothing exicting 'bout it to me please help and I hope this is anuf detail for you to help and soz for bad spelling on my phone p.s no I to young crap

Ok I really need some help from my people who love art!?

We have to find a picture and the picture has to have 6 symbolic feautures? We have to write two pages on it! So do anyone know a picture or piece ofart with 6 symbolic picture. If so then what are they so I can go ahead and write this dang paper! Thanks ahead of time!

Why aren't mulan or pocohontas considered a disney princess?

because they're not exactly that... princesses, cinderella is a princess, snow white is a princess, sleeping beauty is a princess, ariel is a princess of the underwater kingdom and belle is also a princess. Mulan and Pocahontas are great female icons, but they aren't princesses.

Colorado trampoline and tumbling places?

my friend lives in colorado and has been looking for trampoline and tumbling places for a while... all of the ones that we have found are in colorado springs and she lives in denver... i am a gymnast and know almost all of the gyms from meets but please help me find one with tramp and tumbling!! Thankz

Worcester Polytechnic Insitute- Game design major?

This is one of the only colleges that I could find that offers a game design major. I've been researching and I know that I should be weary of majors claiming to be game design. But I have been looking through the course and it looks like a legit thing to me. And the college is nationally ranked so it's not like any one can get into the program. So I was wondering if a degree from this college is worth it or if I'm going to be wasting my money. I would also like to know a game designers point of view on the major or any one who is taking the major. Thank you and please help!

Need to sell a W.o.W. account, Any places that are NOT a scam?

I have a very high level World of Warcraft account. 2 level 80 characters and 1 level 62. Lot's of gear and everything self buffed. I'm looking for a website or anywhere to sell it. I have been to to many places and got scammed and had to sew the companys. Open to any suggestions. Thank you all!

How can i not let peoples comments, opinions of me, attitudes and perceptions of me get me so mad ?

how ungrateful you are. You have a girl here, who is trying to help you...but it isn't good REJECTED her, and ped judgment on her, the way you fear that others are doing to you...I have seen many here, try to befriend you. YOU are the problem..and stop retaliating, against your friends that have been there for you, with your complaints...I have tried so hard to be your true friend...and look how you have treated me. ...You need to get over yourself, and stop this pity potty you are constantly do nothing, in spite of two years that you have been here, asking the same questions. YOu reject, the very ones that care the most, it is your fault, and yours alone....

Will the NWO ever be reformed in WWE again?

A faction with Hogan and Nash and a few others may form, but it won't be as successful as the NWO was, nor will it be called the NWO. It would be interesting to see if Hogan even joins or forms a faction at all though, because that would be kind of a heel thing. Up to this point, I thought Hogan would be a face in TNA, but now it looks like he may just be more of a tweener, since there are so many fans both for and against him.