Saturday, August 13, 2011

TEN POINTS!! Please please help me re-phrase this pharagraph!?

To many people it may just be a trivial subject when they pose the question: "So what if elderly people can't work their televisions?", and perhaps they would be correct in this umption if it were simply that the scope of difficulties faced by the elderly was limited merely to these "luxury items." For example, if we consider a housebound elderly man, who, never having known how to use a portable telephone, never bothers to buy one. If he had one then he would have something to carry with him in his pocket, a veritable connection to the outside world were he to fall or be faced with some other obstacle that prevented him from reaching his corded phone. But instead he does not have this as he was never taught how to use such a phone and so his safety is often at risk. If these sort of technological advancements were utilized more frequently, then perhaps we could keep the elderly out of convalescence homes and allow them to remain in their own homes with a higher degree of independence for longer. Likewise, since the elderly are not a marketable demographic in the technology industry, limited funding for research and development is set aside by corporations to develop products geared towards them.

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