Friday, August 12, 2011

Will the Brits see this hostage thing for what it truly is or are they going to see it just the way?

Amadinijad wants them to. They made a "gift" of the things they stole in the first place?, right now I am praying that the English people see compleately clearly what a crock of crap all this is and that Iran is playing them and the rest of Europe for a giant group of utterly gullible suckers, who can't see that this was nothing more than an attempt to get Britain to ease up on the sanctions talk, and make England look stupid and weak and make Mahmoud ( Mr. Benevolent ) Amadinajad look good. Please tell me they didn't fall for it, but I have a feeling they have, and have lost all sense of forsight and can only see the next day or two and anything past that is non existent

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