Sunday, August 14, 2011

How many of these stories are found in John's Gospel?

The most significant events of the Synoptic Gospels go as follows: In two of them Jesus is said to be born in Bethlehem, to a virgin named Mary. In all three, his public ministry begins with his baptism by John, followed by a period of temptation in the wilderness by the Devil. When he returns, he begins to proclaim the coming kingdom of God. This proclamation is typically made through parables. In addition to teaching, Jesus also performs miracles. Most of these miracles involve exorcisms. Halfway through these Gospels, he goes onto a high mountain and is transfigured before his disciples; it is there that he reveals to him his glory. Otherwise it remains hidden. Indeed, he does not speak openly of his identity and he commands the demons and others who know of it to keep silent. At the end, he has a last meal with his disciples, in which he institutes the Lord’s Supper, distributing bread (“This is my body…”) and then the cup (“This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood…”) He afterward goes out to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he asks God to allow him to forgo his coming Pion. He is then arrested by the authorities and made to stand trial before the Jewish authorities of the Sanhedrin, who find him guilty of blasphemy before delivering him over to the Romans for trail and execution.

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