Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dear all creationists (evolutionists read)?

Funny you asked this tonight... I'm a senior in high school and we tried to discuss evolution in my Environmental Science cl today. This cl is normally pretty rowdy, but as soon as we got into it, it became worse than ever. People all started talking about what they think to their neighbors. Since I helped the teacher explain some things that relate, like the Bing Bang theory, and some other examples of relevant topics, I had like 5 kids asking me to elaborate. I tried as hard as I could to remain completely unbiased as I told them. Most of them seemed pretty interested until I was asked if I believed in a god. I told them I didn't, and chaos broke out. One girl started pouring out her heart to me about how she has never believed in the catholic teachings, but couldn't say that or her family would disown her. One guy was still trying to convince me god had to be real. A dude on the other side off the room gets super pissed and starts making threats and eventually storms out of the clroom. The teacher had to talked to him for about 5 minutes outside. 2 of his friends spent most of the cl afterward trying to 'calm him down' they said. Throughout this whole scene I have a girl telling me not to worry about it over and over as if I'm some kind of victim. By the end of cl, I had like 4 different people telling me this kid hates my guts. I think the scary part is how under-informed all of my peers are. I wish the media and religion didn't keep america so ignorant.

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