Monday, August 8, 2011

Does 'unequally yoked' apply to me?

Hi, I'm a christian man and have been with my non-christian gf for 6 1/2 years. Over the last 4 years I've gradually become more committed in my relationship with God and am concerned that the 'unequally yoked' page from Paul means our relationship is wrong in God's eyes. I've prayed about it and am still meditating on it but, in the meantime, I was curious what other Christians thought. Looking on the web it seems most opinions use the page to deter people from dating a non-Christian but what about if you've been together as long as we have? Should we just break up? She is supportive of my faith, has supported my rejection of before marriage, has said she will come to church etc. I realise it would have been different had we been married... but anyways, thanks for any and all comments :O)

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